Monday, July 15, 2013

DBMS-Nested Queries

EX.NO:3                                                         NESTED QUERIES AND JOINS

            To execute nested queries and join commands in SQL.


A subquery is a query within a query. In Oracle, you can create subqueries within your SQL statements. These subqueries can reside in the WHERE clause, the FROM clause, or the SELECT clause.

        Join  is a query in which data is returned from two or more tables.

How the join will be performed:
Step 1:  Make the Cartesian product of the given tables.
Step 2:   Check for the equality on common attributes for the given tables.

Natural join:
        It returns the matching rows from the table that are being joined.
       >select <attribute> from TN where TN1.attribute=TN2.attribute.
Inner join:
       It returns the matching rows from the table that are being joined.
       >select <attribute> from TN1 innerjoin TN2 on TN1.attribute=TN2.attribute.
Left  outer join:
        It returns all the rows from the table1 even when they are unmatched.
1.      select <attribute> from TN1 left outer join TN2 on TN1.attribute=TN2.attribute.
       2.   select <attribute> from TN where TN1.attribute(+)=TN2.attribute.
Right outer join:
        It returns all the rows from the table2 even when they are unmatched.
1.      select <attribute> from TN1 right outer join TN2 on TN1.attribute=TN2.attribute.
       2.   select <attribute> from TN where TN1.attribute=(+)TN2.attribute.
Full join:
       It is the combination of both left outer and right outer join.
       >select <attribute> from TN1 full join TN2 on TN1.attribute=TN2.attribute.

Sample Output
NESTED QUERIES  - Table Creation

SQL> create table emp_det(eno number(3) not null, ename varchar2(25),
            address varchar2(30),
            basic_sal number(12,2),job_status varchar2(15),dno number(3));

            Table created.

            SQL> create table pro_det(pno number(3) not null,pname varchar2(30),
            no_of_staff number(3));

            Table created.

            SQL> create table work_in(pno number(3),eno number(3),pjob char(12));

            Table created.

            SQL> desc emp_det;
            Name                                      Null?    Type
             ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
             ENO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
             ENAME                                                      VARCHAR2(25)
             ADDRESS                                                  VARCHAR2(30)
             BASIC_SAL                                               NUMBER(12,2)
             JOB_STATUS                                            VARCHAR2(15)
             DNO                                                            NUMBER(3)

            SQL> desc pro_det;
            Name                                      Null?    Type
            ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
            PNO                                       NOT NULL NUMBER(3)
            PNAME                                                      VARCHAR2(30)
            NO_OF_STAFF                                         NUMBER(3)

            SQL> desc work_in;
            Name                                      Null?    Type
            ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
            PNO                                                NUMBER(3)
            ENO                                                NUMBER(3)
            PJOB                                               CHAR(12)

            SQL> insert into emp_det values(&eno,'&ename','&address',&basic_sal,
            Enter value for eno: 1
            Enter value for ename: SaravanaKumar
            Enter value for address: GandhiNagar
            Enter value for basic_sal: 8000
            Enter value for job_status: Manager
            Enter value for dno: 10
            old   1: insert into emp_det values(&eno,'&ename','&address',&basic_sal,
            new   1: insert into emp_det values(1,'SaravanaKumar','GandhiNagar',

            1 row created.

            SQL> /
            Enter value for eno: 2
            Enter value for ename: Mahendran
            Enter value for address: RainbowColony
            Enter value for basic_sal: 5000
            Enter value for job_status: Supervisor
            Enter value for dno: 10
            old   1: insert into emp_det values(&eno,'&ename','&address',&basic_sal,
            new   1: insert into emp_det values(2,'Mahendran','RainbowColony',5000,

            1 row created.

            SQL> /
            Enter value for eno: 3
            Enter value for ename:Rajkumar
            Enter value for address: EastCoastRoad
            Enter value for basic_sal: 10000
            Enter value for job_status: Professor
            Enter value for dno: 2
            old   1: insert into emp_det values(&eno,'&ename','&address',&basic_sal,
            new   1: insert into emp_det values(3,'RajKumar','EastCoastRoad',10000,

            1 row created.

            SQL> /
            Enter value for eno: 4
            Enter value for ename: Shirley
            Enter value for address: KKnagar
            Enter value for basic_sal: 8000
            Enter value for job_status: AsstManager
            Enter value for dno: 3
            old   1: insert into emp_det values(&eno,'&ename','&address',&basic_sal,
            new   1: insert into emp_det values(4,'Shirley','KKnagar',8000,

            1 row created.

            SQL> alter table emp_det modify(ename varchar2(15), address varchar2(15));

            Table altered.

            SQL> select * from emp_det;

                   ENO ENAME           ADDRESS          BASIC_SAL JOB_STATUS       DNO
            ---------- --------------- --------------- ---------- --------------- ----------
             1 SaravanaKumar   GandhiNagar           8000 Manager            10
             2 Mahendran       RainbowColony         5000 Supervisor         10
             3 RajKumar        EastCoastRoad        10000 Professor           2
            4 Shirley         KKnagar               8000 AsstManager          3
            SQL> insert into pro_det values(&pno,'pname',&no_of_staff);
            Enter value for pno: 1
            Enter value for no_of_staff: 2
            old   1: insert into pro_det values(&pno,'pname',&no_of_staff)
            new   1: insert into pro_det values(1,'pname',2)

            1 row created.

            SQL> /
            Enter value for pno: 2
            Enter value for no_of_staff: 3
            old   1: insert into pro_det values(&pno,'pname',&no_of_staff)
            new   1: insert into pro_det values(2,'pname',3)

            1 row created.

            SQL> /
            Enter value for pno: 3
            Enter value for no_of_staff: 1
            old   1: insert into pro_det values(&pno,'pname',&no_of_staff)
            new   1: insert into pro_det values(3,'pname',1)

            1 row created.

            SQL> select * from pro_det;

                   PNO PNAME                          NO_OF_STAFF
            ---------- ------------------------------ -----------
                1 pname                                    2
                2 pname                                    3
                3 pname                                    1

            SQL>update pro_det set pname='DBMS' where pno=1;

            1 row updated.
            SQL> update pro_det set pname='COMPILER' where pno=2;
            1 row updated.
            SQL>update pro_det set pname='C' where pno=3;
            1 row updated.

            SQL> select * from Pro_det;

             PNO PNAME                          NO_OF_STAFF
            ---------- ------------------------------ -----------
         1 DBMS                                     2
         2 COMPILER                                 3
         3 C                                        1

            SQL> insert into work_in values(&pno,&eno,'&pjob');
            Enter value for pno: 1
            Enter value for eno: 1
            Enter value for pjob: Programmer
            old   1: insert into work_in values(&pno,&eno,'&pjob')
            new   1: insert into work_in values(1,1,'Programmer')

            1 row created.

            SQL> /
            Enter value for pno: 2
            Enter value for eno: 1
            Enter value for pjob: Analyst
            old   1: insert into work_in values(&pno,&eno,'&pjob')
            new   1: insert into work_in values(2,1,'Analyst')

            1 row created.

            SQL> /
            Enter value for pno: 1
            Enter value for eno: 2
            Enter value for pjob: Analyst
            old   1: insert into work_in values(&pno,&eno,'&pjob')
            new   1: insert into work_in values(1,2,'Analyst')

            1 row created.

            SQL> /
            Enter value for pno: 2
            Enter value for eno: 2
            Enter value for pjob: Programmer
            old   1: insert into work_in values(&pno,&eno,'&pjob')
            new   1: insert into work_in values(2,2,'Programmer')

            1 row created.

            SQL> select * from work_in;
       PNO        ENO PJOB
            -- ---------- ------------
         1          1 Programmer
         2          1 Analyst
         1          2 Analyst
         2          2 Programmer

            NESTED QUERIES

            (i) SQL> select ename from emp_det where dno not in(select dno from
            emp_det where ename = 'SaravanaKumar');


            (ii)SQL> select ename, dno from emp_det where dno = (select dno from
            emp_det where ename = 'RajKumar');

            ENAME                  DNO
            --------------- ----------
            RajKumar                 2

            (iii)SQL> select ename from emp_det where eno in(select eno from work_in
             where pno = (select pno from
            pro_det where pname = 'DBMS')) order by ename;


            (iv)SQL> select ename, basic_sal from emp_det where dno = 2 and
            basic_sal>(select max(basic_sal) from
            emp_det where dno = 10) order by ename;

            ENAME            BASIC_SAL
            --------------- ----------
            RajKumar             10000

            (v)SQL> select pno,pname from pro_det where exists(select pno from
            work_in where work_in.pno = pro_det.

       PNO PNAME
            ------ ------------------------------
         1 DBMS
         2 COMPILER

            (vi)SQL>select ename, job_status,basic_sal from emp_det where (dno,basic_sal)
             in (select dno,basic_sal
            from emp_det where ename ='RajKumar');

            ENAME           JOB_STATUS       BASIC_SAL
            --------------- --------------- ----------
            RajKumar        Professor            10000

            (vii)SQL>select * from emp_det where basic_sal=(select max(basic_sal) from emp_det);

       ENO ENAME           ADDRESS          BASIC_SAL JOB_STATUS             DNO
            ------ --------------- --------------- ---------- --------------- ----------
         3 RajKumar        EastCoastRoad        10000 Professor                2

            (viii)SQL>select max(basic_sal) from emp_det where basic_sal< (select max(basic_sal)
             from emp_det);


            (ix)SQL> select * from emp_det where basic_sal < (select avg(basic_sal) from emp_det);

             ENO ENAME           ADDRESS          BASIC_SAL JOB_STATUS             DNO
            ----    ---------------        ---------------             ----------           ---------------        ----------
              2    Mahendran       RainbowColony      5000               Supervisor              10


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